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Infant & Toddler Nursery

We provide safe and engaging childcare for infants and toddlers during worship services and other events. Both nurseries are located directly behind the sanctuary. The infant nursery is equipped with cribs for young ones to take naps. Additionally, there is a private room in the infant nursery which can be used for nursing mothers, or if your child just needs a quiet moment. When parents drop off their children at either nursery, they sign an information sheet and leave a cell phone number in case their child needs them during the worship service.

The Little Children

Children 3-5 join us for worship until the children's sermon. After that, they are dismissed and go to rooms 2 & 3 for age-appropriate worship. In TLC your children will learn Bible stories, how they fit into the story of God's work in our world, and just how much God loves them.

Children's Worship Center

Children in kindergarten through second grade join us for worship until the children's lesson. After that, they are dismissed and go to rooms 4 & 5 for age-appropriate worship. CWC enables children to learn about and experience God in new ways. In their own space, they learn about the liturgy and meaning of worship, how ordinary space is turned into sacred space, and they discover the quietness within themselves to listen to and talk with God. Through Bible stories and reflective questions, they bring their experiences into dialogue with God.

Sunday School

Sunday school meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15am (before the worship service). There are classes for children in preschool through 12th grade. The Sunday school year runs from September through May. A nursery is also provided during this hour for infants and toddlers.​

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Youth Group

Youth meetings are held on Sunday evenings at church in the youth wing. Students in 6th through 12th grades are welcome to join us from 5:00-6:30 pm for pizza, games, and good discussion! We will inform our intellect, challenge our behavior, and practice God’s love as we study together.

If you aren't on the email list to receive emails and weekly updates, contact our office.


Junior and Senior High Sunday school classes meet in the youth wing from 9:15am to 10:15am, September through May.


Our goal is to help shape our youth into thoughtful, faithful, joyful servants of Christ. We believe that it is our call to glorify God in all aspects of life, to love and serve Christ, the church, and the world through our attitudes and actions, and to open ourselves to the life changing work of the Holy Spirit. We do not want to remain as we are, but rather want to become vessels of God’s light and love to the world around us.

“Being a Christian” is not something we do only on Sundays; it is our identity every hour of the day, every day of the year, in every part of our lives. That is a difficult calling, so we want to give our youth a place to wrestle honestly with doubts and questions, to affirm each other and be affirmed in their worth as children of God, as brothers and sisters in Christ. We want to serve together, rejoice together, suffer together, and grow into our love and knowledge of God together.

We also believe that community is an essential part of the Christian life. Providing opportunities for kids to talk, laugh, eat, play, and serve with each other is giving them a glimpse into the Kingdom of God. Our hope and prayer is that they will continue the hard, but joyful work of living in community as they move on to the next steps of life.

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